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During the Holiday Season Continue to Teach, Learn and Grow Yourself!

Happy Holidays! So here we are gearing up for the last major holiday of 2017. Christmas is a time to give, spend time with loved ones, and eat good food. It’s the “last indulgence” before the new year, to then start a transition to a better version of ourselves. Determined to leave the worst part of ourselves behind, we set goals and make resolutions excited to start fresh. This holiday season, embrace the challenge to hold yourself accountable to teach, learn, and grow yourself. I took on the challenge a month ago. I have to say that since then I had to face more obstacles than I had anticipated. Things that weren’t an issue before seemed too great to overcome. I was motivated some days, other days, it was like pulling teeth to get to the gym or work. Time was an issue, I was spending so much time on ME, that I didn’t have enough time for ME. I know that sounds crazy. But what I mean is that some days I just wanted to just SIT DOWN and relax (time for me) but only had the time to work “on Me”. The first 2 weeks I was fired up and on top of it all. Didn’t miss one workout, or anything on my schedule for that matter. The third week, I lost some steam and had to dig a little deeper. I allowed my self to get off track. I switched my workout days around which created a downward spiral. I missed two workouts that week finding all kind of excuses for not executing the steps that would lead me closer to my goal. I completely disconnected from my "why" resulting in a lack of motivation and excitement. Week 3 was the worst week of my program by far. I got myself back on track the fourth week. On my way up north for my anniversary, I picked up a book by John Maxwell called, “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth.” AWESOME!! One of the very first things in the book is about motivation or the lack of motivation. According to Maxwell motivation is a myth, you just have to set your mind to "do it". “Motivation is not going to strike you like lightning. And motivation is not something that someone else-nurse, doctor, family member-can bestow or force on you. The whole idea of motivation is a trap. Forget motivation. Just do it.” It empowered me to keep going. If at every sign of adversity we decide to give up, we will never get to our fullest potential. My goal is to reach my fullest potential by continuing to teach myself, learn myself, and definitely grow myself. They go hand in hand. In order to reach your highest potential, you have to be committed to each. On that note, I want to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. I want to leave you with a little inspirational video that I listen to on a regular basis. In my last blog, I talked about Lisa Nichols. Below is a clip from one of her talks. It may put some things in perspective for you and hopefully fire you up to get the ball rolling. Also, pick up John C. Maxwell’s book, like me, you might need a little kick in the pants or a reboot. Stay Well!! T.C.

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